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- Short: 1 updated track for Xtreme Racing
- Author: Ross Kirk ytuun@krikssor.u-net.com
- Uploader: Ross Kirk ytuun@krikssor.u-net.com
- Type: game/data
- Requires: XTR and previous archive XTR_RK_V1_5.lha (game/data)
- This is a small bug fix on RK 2. Where if you fell off the track on the island jump,
- you were placed back on the island without a way off it without dying. This is all that
- is fixed.
- Just replace the old RK_2.trk in Tracks dir with this one.
- To anybody interested Tracks Rk 6 & 7 are complete and if you want to test
- them then contact me.
- Note the new email address as well.
- Track Name : RK_2
- Track Type : Race
- Release Date : 23/12/97
- Version : 1.30
- Track Author : Ross Kirk
- Contact Details : See Author section above
- Track Testers : Ross Kirk & TarQuin
- Graphics Set Required : VOLCANIC (Comes with the game :-)
- Any Extra included Gfx : No
- Description : Nice easy track, again. The oil is the same colour as the floor.
- Difficulty Comments : Pretty easy Our Kid
- Best Known Lap Time : 34.28 Ross Kirk, 32.74 TarQuin
- Notes : Second track in this series. The longest as well.
- Time to Design : Hours and hours and hours and.....
- Other Tracks by Author : The other tracks here
- Greets : To you the very person who has downloaded this.
- I also thank you. THANK YOU!.
- And to Mark and Lard the best DJ's on EARTH, but
- better in the evenings.
- Copyright / Permission Information
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Copy the track everywhere and indeed anywhere you can, please.
- If you are really desperate enough to want to base a track
- on this one then you can so long as I am credited in the docs,
- and you send me a copy :-)
- Disclaimer & Distribution Rules
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- This file must be distributed with this section & below in
- unedited form. All tracks must be distributed with this file in
- the archive, and this shall be used as the basis for the file
- description for Aminet/BBS/Other locations.
- Silltunna Software Ltd./Black Magic Software are NOT responsible for any
- damage caused directly or indirectly by the use or misuse of XTreme Racing
- and any related material whether written by us or otherwise. You use this
- software at your own risk.
- Distribution
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~
- None of the materials provided by Silltunna Software may be distributed
- in any form, INCLUDING graphics and track related materials. Only tracks
- designed TOTALLY by the user may be legally distributed, and no profit may
- be made from ANY CUSTOM TRACKS and related data without permission and
- relevant royalty payments to Silltunna Software Ltd.
- If you do wish to use Silltunna Software Tracks as the basis for your own
- tracks then please ensure they are sufficiently modified before releasing
- them publically. If we find tracks that have been released with very little
- modified then the Author will be in big trouble! Otherwise we will turn a
- blind eye.
- By using this software you agree to accept and abide by all these rules.
- © Copyright Silltunna Software Ltd. 1996
- Email:
- rich@xtreme.demon.co.uk [ Richard Whittall ]
- Silltunna BBS : 10pm -> 7am : +44 (0)1789 842105
- * Call For All the Latest and Best Tracks *
- Requirements
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~
- XTreme Racing is (of course) required and is 23.99 + 1.00 P&P UK Sterling.
- XTR requires any AGA Amiga, and is very enhanced for those with accelerators.
- This track works best with the XTR Upgrade which also includes 20 new
- tracks, new gfx, the full game/gfx/sfx editor and a major XTR upgrade.
- Price : 9.99 + 1.00 P&P UK Sterling (Worldwide delivery)
- Order from : Guildhall Leisure : +44 (0)1302 890000 (all major credit cards)
- Or write a cheque payable to Guildhall Leisure Services at :
- Unit 15, Guildhall Industrial Estate, Kirk Sandall, Doncaster
- South Yorkshire DN3 1QR, England
- ============================= Archive contents =============================
- Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
- -------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
- 5872 5538 5.6% 27-Mar-98 22:56:18 RK_2.Trk
- 4138 2050 50.4% 18-Apr-98 15:16:54 XTR_RK_V1_5a.README
- -------- ------- ----- --------- --------
- 10010 7588 24.1% 20-Apr-98 18:10:18 2 files